
Counter-Strike - Making a Clan

For creating a clan in counter-strike you need to find a proper name and try not to copy from other clans or type a name that is used by many clans.Find something specific that looks and sounds good.

*Finding players for your clan: Don't ask everybody to join your clan cause you give a bad image and the pro  players will ever join a clan like that.First you must have some of your friends in your clan that play good cause they are people who you can trust that they can't leave the clan just like that.Practice with your friends and get better so the pro's will notice that your clan is good.Players will ask to join your clan but be careful and with choosing who you will pick cause there are players who always beg to get in any clan and when they get a better offer they will leave your clan and join another.When you find a pro who you really need for your clan be persistent to get him.Always find players who will be loyal to your clan.Don't forget to talk with your clan members often and make them your good friends.

*Creating a Logo:  Learn how to work with photoshop or ask a friend who knows how and make a unique logo that will represent your clan.

*Create a Forum: Create a free forum using and organize clanwars there and find new players who want to join you.

*Make a Facebook Page:Make a facebook page and a private group for talking with your clan members.

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